SignOnSite for Project Managers
Real-time data and information, collected from the ground-up. Using the technology you already have.

James Mcentee
Site Manager, Penny Homes
Real-time visibility and remote management.
With the rise of digitisation, Project Managers now have a range of tools at their disposal to increase their visibility over their projects. The flip side of this, however, is that Project Managers are now expected to be able to remotely manage a greater volume of projects too.
In order to remote manage sites successfully, Project Managers need real-time visibility and accurate data. By using safety and compliance as a tool to collect productivity data, SignOnSite is more capable of providing real-time worker data than any other system available.
Using SignOnSite, Project Managers are able to confirm everything from what high risk works are occurring on any given project, to how many workers a subcontractor actually supplied that day. It’s the information you need to determine where you need to be that day, and what sites are at risk of not meeting critical deadlines.

Data and Reporting.
With more concurrent projects and client expectations of reporting being higher than ever, your weekly PCG meetings are taking up more and more of your time. With SignOnSite you can remove some of the hassle of your documentation by building real-time dashboards in the BI system of your choosing.
Not only can you impress your clients with access to live information about their projects, but you can save time for yourself in preparing for PCG’s.
Move multiple needles all with the technology you already have
There's no need to invest in expensive hardware or spend months implementing complicated infrastructure. The SignOnSite Connected Worker Platform enables seamless information flow, empowering stakeholders to efficiently tackle tasks, address issues, and drive bottom-line improvements from Site to HQ.
Easy-to-use safety software allowing you to coordinate people and maintain an auditable, single source of truth for all your compliance documentation.
Simplify site processes with tools that are designed to get teams on the tools faster.
Eliminate manual information handling with faster processes and have fewer dependencies on other stakeholders.
SignOnSite surfaces the important information front-and-centre. Catch risks early and keep sites running up to standard with real-time safety compliance data.
Stay informed, solve immediate problems and work strategically across your sites with accurate and reliable data.
Better Margins
The value stacks for the worker on site, all the way up to the executive level, improving your bottom line.